Music for the Masses

Saturday, October 18, 2008

To Lee

An individual by the name of Lee posted a comment on my last blog. I have one question: Did my brog make you raugh?

If you know the answer to this, we need to find a way to get together. My wife's sister and husband are back from Portland, and we always talk about finding you and doing a bbq.

Then again, if this isn't who I think it is, then you're probably scratching your head.

Either way, I hope you enjoyed my blog!


Anonymous said...

It made raugh very roud, thank you for the reminder. I would love to get together with you guys, I just live down the street in Centerville. My wife has a blog, its the Palmers' post.

Anonymous said...

One more thing, before I found you blog I came across your web page that has been neglected for a few years. I sent an e-mail to the one that was linked to the page, then I realized that it was 2 1/2 years since you did anything with it.