Music for the Masses

Friday, July 25, 2008

Calendar Confusion

Okay, so ... it's 7:12 am. Normally, at this point, there are 5 or 6 people in the office. Right now, I'm the only one. It's kind of weird. I've been here since 10 after 6, and yah, generally no one's in until roughly 6:30-7, but this is just bizarre. I actually had to look at the calendar to make sure it wasn't Saturday because that's the only explanation I could come up with as to why no one's here.

Has that ever happened to any of you? Wondering if it's not actually the weekend because no one else is around?

Gotta say, though ... it's pretty nice. I can work uninterrupted, and I can watch Scrubs while working on my projects. Pretty sweet.

Happy X-Files Movie day!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Fretting and Worried

I have two very major concerns right now. There is a very distinct and definite correlation connecting them. They are:

1. Girl 1's vocal cords;
2. My ear drums.

There is a perk to all of the screaming, though ... I'm guessing that she's going to drop like a stone from sheer lack of energy. All of it has been concentrated on ruining my hearing.



1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Missed My Calling in Life

So, lately, I've been into taking macro pictures of bugs. My parents in law's backyard is a great source. I've gotten good pictures of wasps, some kind of bee, ants, and dragonflies. This, obviously, is a dragon fly. Pretty cool, eh? Yah ... I took that. I was sitting on in-laws' steps in the terrace, and I saw this little guy. Pretty nice.

This guy was just hanging out on a shrub on the side of the house, but there were plenty in the terrace, too. I just couldn't get them to sit still. "Cheese" doesn't exactly fly with grasshoppers. Didn't know that, did ya?

Pretty sweet wasp, eh? I'm wondering if I had some pollen on my lens that he was scoping out; he was staring pretty intently at the camera at one point--the point where I *didn't* have my finger on the shutter release. Figure that.

Weef thinks this is a Box Elder bug, but I'm not convinced it is, though I'm not sure what it is. Check out the eyes. Creepy! They're totally red. As girl 1 likes to say, "EEEEEWWW!"

No lie: I said, "Dragonfly, LAND ON ME!" 4 seconds later, it did. Ask my in-laws. It was amazing ... it just flew right up and *plop*--there he was. Right on my shorts. What's a guy to do but start snapping close-ups.

Same little guy, just a close-up of his head. If you click on the image, you can see the details in the eyes. It's amazing. Unfortunatly, he was dead by the time we went to the fireworks later that night. My theory is that he was stung by a wasp over in the shrubs on the south side of the house, since that's where he flew from.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Still Alive

Just thought y'all would want to know. A lack of blogging does not indicate a lack of life. Actually, if anything, it probably indicates an over-abundance of life and all of its surprises.

Everyone have a pleasant, wonderful night. Or morning. Whenever you read this. :)

Monday, July 7, 2008

This Blog Is for the Weef

RSS feed time, baby!

My weef's the best.
Better than the rest.
She bakes great cakes
and shakes and quakes
to music that doesn't suck.

I know suck doesn't rhyme with "best" or "rest," but I don't care. :)

Weef is also great because she's smart. She has a masters degree. I just have a boring old bachelor's degree. Which, really, isn't even applicable since I'm not a bachelor. Weird how that works.

One of weef's other great qualities is that she's smoking hot. :)

But her best quality above all is how patient she is with me. I'm the luckiest guy in the WORLD! I know I don't deserve you, sweetie, but I'm so glad you tolerate my crap.

I hate talking about budgets, but I'll do it for you cuz Ah luhv ewe.

Weef Is Blogging!

Isn't she great! I love it! Everyone go read her stuff. It's great.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

What a Wonderful Weekend

Yesterday was frickin' awesome. So, okay ... back story: I met these two awesome friends in college. This was back in 1994. We did a lot of hanging out, road trips, etc. So then we all went our separate ways in 1995. Well, I did, anyway; they got married and lived in Idaho. A few months later, I moved out to Utah. They volunteered to come down and pick me up for Thanksgiving of 1995. That's a mighty feat, considering they lived about 2.5 hours north. But that's the kind of people they are. :)

Anyway, we had a lovely Thanksgiving together, along with some other friends from the previous college year. Next thing I knew, they moved to California. I think it was a couple of years after that Thanksgiving, but still ...

So they've been in California ever since. They come back to Idaho for visits every so often, but we've never been able to get together. That changed yesterday.

It was lovely. We caught up on their lives, met their awesome kids, had a great bbq and talked for 4 or 5 hours. The kids busied themselves with stuff like "Cars," "The Incredibles," and the like. We talked about our kids, their kids, our lives, their lives ... it was really cool. AND we're going to go out to California to visit them. Not sure when, but we are! Hopefully in December, but if not, certainly next late spring or early summer. Weef's work schedule somewhat erratic due to the nature of her career, but it does allow for some time off in large chunks at various times throughout the year.

Thanks for stopping by and gracing us with your presence. It was fantastic. And we're DEFINITELY coming out there. :)

Very Odd ...

Girl 1 just informed me that she is going to "screw drive" my hair. She really means she wants to comb it, but I told her that I don't have enough hair for her to comb. Then she dropped that line ... "Fine, I'll screwdrive it."

Where she picked that up is beyond me. She doesn't watch Franklin, or Thomas, or anything that has to do with tools like that. She does like to watch Mickey's Club House, and they use the "mouseketool" thingy, but I don't think they'd recommend using a screwdriver for combing hair. If I find out that they do, I'm going to write the show's producer and give him a piece of my mind.

Meanwhile, I'm going to have my hair "screwdrived." Or "screwdriven" ... hmm. I wonder what the proper term for that would be.

UPDATE: I found out why she needs to "screwdrive" my hair: it's dirty. And broken.

4-year olds. Gotta love 'em.